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Introduction: Growth of AIFs & About Us

Growth of Alternative Investment Funds in India

Ever since the early 1990s the eco-system of private equity, venture capital and AIFs has grown in India thanks to GPs and mainly international LPs. In the last decade, regulatory reforms have led to the entry of domestic banks, pension funds, insurance companies, Government fund-of funds, and high-net-worth individuals who have acted as LPs.

Various players including LPs, GPs and members of the ecosystem requested the  formation of  India's association for limited partners christened the 'Indian Limited Partners Association' (INLPA).

INLPA will bring many benefits to Indian limited partners.


Firstly, It is a forum for LPs to exchange views and knowledge about  Indian and International venture capital and private equity markets.

Secondly, INLPA will share the best investment and governance practices to enhance confidence among them, leading to more significant capital flows, consistent with LPs' risk tolerance. Such flows will lead to greater job creation, innovation, and industrial advancement in India.

Thirdly, it will provide leadership and volunteering opportunities to senior and young LPs alike.

Finally, INLPA will engage with India's regulatory bodies to address issues and hurdles affecting LPs and their investment strategies.

About Us 

The Indian Limited Partners Association (INLPA) is aimed at identifying the common interests of Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) market participants in the various categories of funds including private equity, venture capital, impact, infrastructure, real estate, distressed, special situations, sustainability, hedge funds and other types of collective investment vehicles, including credit vehicles.

Working closely with the industry, as well as regulators and policymakers, INLPA advocates for, amongst other things, the importance of fund investments to the broader economic growth of the country.  It supports best practices which are consistent with the fiduciary responsibilities of asset owners, including limited partners.

Through member working groups, industry guidance, consultations and  events, INLPA will play a pivotal role in the creation and promotion of market best practices and processes, thought leadership, standards for legal frameworks, and limited partner investment guides and related documents. 


INLPA will benefit from the  substantial experience of its Advisory Panel members in areas of relevance to limited partners such as:



LP-GP  Investment Practices Committee

Regulatory Committee

LP-GP Education Committee 

ESG & Diversity Committee




LP Committee

Thought Leadership

ESG & Diversity Committee

LP Training

Regulatory Committee



Advocacy & Regulatory Engagement

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